Here to enliven your games with music! My forte is atmospheric, emotional orchestral scores (think film scores). I work in Logic Pro X with the Native Instruments Komplete series.
我專門用我的音樂,給您的遊戲與角色注入生命與色彩!我的強項在於用管弦樂來描述環境氛圍與情感(就像電影音樂),用的是Logic Pro X上的Native Instruments Komplete系列。
Below are some game/music jams I've contributed to. You can hear more of my stuff on Soundcloud.
請在下方找到我所參與過的 Game 跟 Music Jam。您也可以在 Soundcloud 找到我更多的作品。
Want me to make music for your game? Get in touch.